Few Things Right

We did few things right and We never continue to do them right. 

This was the statement made by the former president of Nigeria "Olusegun Obasnajo" at the centre for Value leadership symposium.

The statement implies that we start somethings right but we stopped on the long run or lack consistency. 

In life, its very important to start right and finish right. Why most people aren't successful isn't because they do not have a dream or a vision but its because they lack discipline. 

Discipline is what makes you continue to do the right things. Motivation can keep you going but discipline keeps you glowing - John Maxwell. 

So, what are those activities you have been doing that was right but you stopped doing them? 

You started well by reading books but you stopped on the long run. 

You started well by having a to do list last year but you halt this year. 

You were always attending seminars but you stopped. 

You started your own organization but you couldn't keep up again, why? Finances, lack of plans, lack of knowledge! 

Ultimately, without commitment, you will never start but more importantly without consistency, you will never finish. 

To be successful, you have to do few things right and continue to do them right. Those things form the basis of your success. 

Thank you for reading! 

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