What is your why?

Often I asked people what is their why and they find it difficult to answer.

Your why is your purpose, it is the reason why you are here. It is the reason why you wake up every morning to do those things that you do.

It is the reason why you help people without expecting anything in return.

Then, how do you identify your why?

1. Through your environment

Your why might results from other people's suffering. It might be young people not having access to quality education in your community. It might be high mortality rate. It might be students dropping out of school because they lack resources. It might just be anything. If you pay attention to what is going on around you, you might find a why.

2. Through your personal experience

Sometime, we find our why through what physically occur to us. It might be you being violated domestically and that might propel you for standing against it. It might be your lack to quality education and you had to fight to get it.

It might something you have been through, a torture, which you don't want others to go through.

It might be you losing someone close to you to illness or disease.

When you find your why, you will feel it. It's just like a lightening and you feel it is something you have to stand for or solve.

Pay attention to your environment, personal story I.e. what you experience yourself and you might find a why.

And the moment you have a why, you will keep making difference.

If you have a why, you will find a way to make it happen - Eric Thomas.

To end this piece, I will leave us with a great motivation culled from the book "What makes the great great" and here it goes;

"Force him to shine your shoes and he becomes a James Brown; place her in a wheel chair and she becomes Barbara Jordan; confine him to a prison cell and I will show you Nelson Mandela; spit in his face and you have a Marcus Garvey; tell her she can't write and I will show you Alice Walker; tell her she can't lead and she becomes Myrlie Evers; blind him and he becomes Stevie Wonder; rape her and she turns Oprah Winfrey; disobey his orders and I will show you Collin Powell; conceal his history and he becomes Alex Haley; write him off as another fatherless black male and he turns into a Ben Carson; and deny them an adequate education and they become an Oseola McCarty and Howard Thurman."

Despite the shortcomings, these great guys still stood for their purpose.

It is true that when you have a why, you will always find your how and make it happen.

What is your why?

A question to start your day.

Thank you for reading!

If you find this helpful, drop your comments below.

Photo Credit: www.pixababy.com; www.istockphoto.com; www.7wallpapers.net


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